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I Came to this Epiphany: A new reframe

(This post has had some revisions as of 12/19/05)
I came to this epiphany: Most of us agree that the universe began as a tiny point (called a singularity) -- basically all "energy" reduced to a single point. The point has everything in it, all the matter, life, energy, power, charisma, personality, everything is inside there! I was once in that point, you were in that point -- same with your computer, your best friend, your worst enemy, every great figure in history, every star in the sky and every piece of air you breathe.

When the "Big Bang" occurred, the tremendous heat caused particle creation and eventually stars, planets, and organic life came from it: IT ALL CAME FROM THE SAME POINT. A singularity is a single point; everything is the same in it
(well this according to straight forward physics -- no one really knows what a singularity is, but on the most basic level its a point with zero volume, infinite dencity -- it should too dence for any "unique" matter to exist, I imagine its all a uniform body)
Right now, we exist, live and breathe matter that is a manifestation of the material, life, energy, power etc of that one point. You, me, this computer, the air we breathe, the light we see … it was all one in the exact same in the beginning.
In fact, one could say we are an organ of the universe. We are in the super rare blue planet that is alive, and we are an organ. We are the world's eyes, ears, voice, and mind.

Last night I watched part 1 of a documentary called "The Power of Myth" where an expert on mythology, Joseph Campbell, expressed his points on the deep, "true" meanings of stories. He focuses on the idea behind The Hero's Journey which is the most common theme in popular stories: Star Wars, The Matrix, Saving Private Ryan, Count of Monte Cristo, etc. In star wars, the hero Luke must save the galaxy, Neo must save mankind from machines, Tom Hanks must save one person, and the Count must save himself.

The hero's journey is an adventure every man must go through to become a "real" man. Most of the time we are not directly saving the world, we are saving ourselves -- usually we are saving ourselves from living a shitty life. The progression of the Hero's Journey is to sacrifice our childhood, allow it to die, and resurrect ourselves through our true calling -- we are resurrected as a "man"

  • Luke had to give up his simple life and ideals to become a Jedi.
  • Neo had to give up his comfort-zone as a desk worker and join revolutionaries
  • Tom Hanks was called to action right before his retirement (I hope I got that one right, I haven't seen it in awhile)
  • Count of Monte Cristo had to give up his boyish, victim like ideals and adopt the philosophy of the Priest

All that matters is the fact that they had to give up something, even their old way of life is enough. Now every person must go on their own hero journey -- a journey where we give up our childhood/"boyish" ideals and allow that part of us to die, then embrace our manhood.

In every journey there will be adversary -- there will be a "battle" on the way there. This battle could be real or it could be a battle inside us. I, personally, seem to be battling many limiting beliefs -- its not easy to destroy these limiting beliefs, but it is happening one by one. As each limiting belief dies, a new one comes in which is much more mature and has helped me* (I talk about this in other blog posts)

Joseph Campbell, had an amazing idea: though every hero's journey story involves saving the world or another person, Campbell argues that even saving yourself in your own journey saves the world. When people are forced into a journey they never wanted to be on, the world will suffer because we are the world.
This helps the greater good because it keeps people on their path to becoming a mature person and not swimming against the currents. When people struggle, that's when bad things can happen. (Some professors say that World War 2 may not have occurred if the League of Nations weren't so harsh on Germany, causing the Germans to elect Hitler... although that is still no excuse for the atrocities caused .. but that'’s another story).

This idea of being all one in the same means a lot to me and I feel like it has given me a powerful new reframe for life. (Reframe almost sounds like too fluffy of a word). This has given me a new meaning to life. We are all from the same soul, the same consciousness, the same original life source. Even though everyone is different, holds different thoughts, desires, opinions, talents -- we are all made from the same single ingredient. Its like some chef made a huge meal and all "matter" is the servings.

There is a law in physics, or better yet life, called "“Conservation of Energy"” What this law means is that all matter automatically chooses a path that requires the least amount of energy. Everyone has different opinions, different desires, different tendencies -- however, I believe every decision (a normal person makes is in someway meant to increase their ability to survive -- or ability to conserve their life and energy.)

All humans seem to follow similar tendencies as the laws of nature; we just have FREE CHOICE. Free choice is a whole 'nother matter to discuss, but not now.

Either way, my point is that we are all one in the same. All matter in the universe originated from the same exact "thing." We are all manifestations of that "thing” and we all have a consciousness that is ALSO a manifestation of that "thing"

So why look up to someone or down on another: women, bums, celebirties, idiots, etc. Together we are all peices of the same puzzle. Of course, we admire a celebirty more than a bum, but that does not give us the right to Judge the bum and it doesn't give us a right to Judge a celebirty.

I notice myself having a much calmer look at the future when I have this in mind. To reiterate: This is all just a big re-frame which gives me a very powerful shift in thinking. Hopefully it does the same for some readers out there too.

What do you guys think?

*Some of my old beliefs included:
Women choose men
Women only choose men who can offer them something material: money, popularity, etc
My happiness depends on when a woman chooses me.

Most of my limiting beliefs deal with women and society -- this is probably the exact reason I study Pick Up and am focusing so hard on this part of my life. It is my void. I am pretty good in other areas of life for the most part.

PS. Remind me not to use MS Word to write these entries... it fucks up the formatting like nothing else. (check 2)



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