You are your only coach
Everyone else just gives advice and support. You are the one who has to figure out how to exactly change yourself on the micromanagement level and do it.
I have been sarging a lot more lately and this time with a little twist. I have been filming myself (and my 2 other wings Nilabigdawg and 4five6). And I shit you not, I saw things I didn't know existed. I saw for real the exact way I walk, the way I hold my shoulders up, the micro movements of my face, hands, eyes, mouth.. everything.
I saw myself in full. I was able to truly look at myself from a 3rd person perspective and its a bit shocking, its not what I thought it would be like.
Don't get me wrong, its not like I am perplexed, its just that in my head I think I am ABC but in truth I am more XYZ.
The reason I use "ABC" and "XYZ" is because it is nearly impossible for me to actually describe what I saw and how I saw it. We all have different types of perception and my type of perception showed me such:
This is truly Conscious Competence. If you guys read DeAngelo (or other self help gurus) they talk about the 4 levels of development:
So I feel I am going through that path right now. Its a bit scary as I thought all this time I looked confident, tall, strong, and cool, but now I realize I am no where near perfect but I feel now that I have this camera my development, along with my wings, will sky-rocket.
Changing myself means I need to live at my Edge, as David Deida would say. The edge where my comfort and fears border. I feel self conscious when I am too animated, I feel a bit reluctant to be extremely expressive. This must end and the only way to break through is to always practice and be at the edge.
It takes a lot to look at yourself, say to yourself "okay, for the past 20 years I have been wrong. Now I will change" and then become right. The 4 levels of development go for every trait you own.
Okay, this is more like a note to self: I need to make a post on "Influence" by Robert Caldini, "Way of the superior man" by David Deida, and some Carlos Xuma material I have listened to which is fucking fantastic.
PS. If you are serious about PU, get a fucking camera and record yourself. I don't care if you are too poor, if you have a credit card, go to a store, buy the Camera, use it for 30 days, then return it. Work fucking hard for those 30 days before returning the camera.
Also, don't be afraid to film yourselves in field. I shit you not, me and my wings were filming while hundreds of people were walking by us in an open mall area. The sets didn't notice either at all! When/if they did look at us, they only did for a split second, then they went back to the Sarger. [its like what I learned in sociology, if something is so far beyond your reality, then you won't understand it or see its meaning unless somehow directed... filming people randomly while they are being talked to is not part of most people's reality. If they do see us film, their sub-conscious will just filter it as another object in the environment to not waste energy concentrating on]
Also, if you want, have a 3rd wing stand in front (but to the side) of the camera and pretend like he is talking. Don't block the view, no one will notice the angle of the camera pointed.
And if the set does notice, oh well. Fuck them you are only doing this for your own improvement. Just move on to another set as getting caught has not come close to happening, and we have filmed us in sets for over 10 minutes. The targets DO NOT notice! Its not like you will be doing this filming for long anyway; if you really work at it and analyze yourself, I imagine you'll be done filming in a very short amount of time.
I notice the same thing when I take a dance lesson. Damn, the way I move is.....nerdy. Keep up the good work~!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 8:32:00 AM