FR+: New friends, saw BradP, and got a little sexy w/a cutie
Solo sarged again this night and it started off the same way, me having to mentally prep myself a bit, run through some affirmations. I did the parking affirmation and I FOUND ANOTHER STREET SPOT! The person just left as I pulled in. PERFECT! Labels: Field Reports, Orgasms
I had only 2 goals for the night. Always keep my energy level 10% above the girls/venue and lead the girls via moving them around, taking their hands and leading them. Putting my hands to their side and moving them around, etc. Its not like Kino where I just touch, it’s leading with touch. I saw Dante pull this shit off and it really opened my eyes a bit more.
My mindset I am really setting is “I am the king of my world—the ultimate alpha male of my world” And I am really engraining that affirmation and it feels fucking powerful. It’s not like an ego trip, it actually lessons my ego and raises my conscious awareness. Again with my peacocking, people fucking STARE at me now, especially in the beginning of the night when not as many people are around. I open a 2 set with Cotton Candy and they are digging me. My mind set the whole set is just “Alpha King of World” and I think they smelled it on me. I sort of ran out of things to say and they were still keeping the conversation going.
A few minutes in, BradP comes up behind me and says “You ladies treating my friend okay!” Haha great to see him, I was a bit shocked! He had to leave though, hit up some other bars or whatever but we texted each other a bit, trying to coordinate meeting up again. Didn’t work out, but that was cool, I met with some more cool people.
There was this guy named Izzy (this is the name he said he’d use online) who was at the same bar last night. We talked a lot and joked around, he was talking about game a lot. This next day I see him and we agree to hang out, wing each other. This is cool, the guy has some natural game with a crazy party vibe. We go to another venue which is quieter and I straight up ask him if he watches VH1’s pick up artist. Haha he does and he now opens up, lets me know his deal. Cool guy. Then a group of 4 girls and 1 guy rolls in next to us, I open them with Cotton Candy too and they all talk, the guy has a chill vibe, almost too chill, dressed very well. I knew he was either a natural or a very good PUA. I keep talking to the ladies and he chimes in, but is still laying back. At some point I start talking to him too and I just mention the word “Pivot” and the guy really opens up too and turns out, he is also in this great “dating community” of ours haha!
Both these guys have a great natural vibe, and we all hang out together, with the girls and go to another bar. There is a huge line, but the bouncers know me pretty well (I memorize their names and chat with them, real chill guys) we go in and fuck around. My two new friends get into a great 2 set and close both of them, nice! I walk around, and time goes by.
So I haven’t opened too many sets but I have faith (my affirmations) and I keep my head up. I go outside and there is Dante once again, finishing off his bootcamp I believe.
And here is where the meaty stuff happens ☺
This girl comes outside and asks for a light. I pull out something that looks like a match book, but it turns out to be a condom inside a matchbook (some advertisement thing I collected) and I make a sexual joke about it “Ohh wrong box, this is for later” and laughs and is cool with the joke (great sign!). I am with my other PUA friends and they talk to her more too, but then I get inspired! I do the whole Kino Escalation, move her around, spin her, change her position and … MAN it was magical. She got SOO much more into me at that point. I’m not sure if it was the leading, or the kino, of the fact that I made her comfortable by controlling her movements, who knows but he was eyeing me like crazy. It was on. The more I touched her sexually, pinched her, moved her, spun her, the more she was attracted!
I noticed Izzy was trying to talk to her but sorry man, I had to talk over you. My set! My set! Everyone disappears and it is just me and her. We chat very close together, my face is near hers. I have no routines, I just fluff but I keep the kino going, and the facial expressions. Eventually I find out she is a torture-therapy professional… crazy so of course I talk about S&M a bit. Haha I won’t say what she told me, that would be too much of a “kiss-and-tell” but fuck it. This is my journal. She told me she is the Dominant one. Oooohh I wouldn’t have guessed. I tell her “I have never been with a dominant girl” cool qualifier I think… haha
She then tries to guuess my major and I tell her if she guesses right I’ll kiss her. I give her like 2-3 hints and she gets it! I make out with her, it was great. We keep chatting, this time with arms all over each other and make out more. I do the thing where she sticks out her tongue and I suck on it. Really groovy. She does the same for me.
We then go back inside and dance a bit. I then bust out this dance tactic I read on mASF ( where you rub the girls ass at the 10 o’clock and 2 o’clock positions with your thumbs as you bump and grind. Apparently she is supposed to get super sexual, with me… but, she just got very into the dance and caressed my hands. That is cool. We then go near her friends and there is a photo booth right by. I introduce myself to her friends and then pull my target into the photo booth and just start making out like crazy. I even grab her boobs! She had a bit of a negative reaction to that, probably never really happened before or she has some Anti Slut Defense or something. I know she liked it, I could see it, but for a second she seemed dazed. Haha! I gotta take these calibration risks!
We make out some more, and then the bar starts to close. She writes down her number and I kiss her good bye. Logistically, there is no way to pull since she is driving her friends home (means she probably wasn’t drunk either. So this girl was sober).
I think she had some buyer’s remorse since I was so sexually aggressive, grabbing her boobs, rubbing her ass so much. Not sure, can’t say for sure if this is solid or not. She seemed very into me, but also conflicted near the end. Glad I took those risks!
What I did realize is HOW FUCKING powerful leading a girl is. Making her move around. Making her spin. Making her follow your commands. It just keeps building till you can just suck on her tongue, grab her boobs, make out and sooner or later, fuck in the bathroom! Haha
I’d love to meet this girl again, she seemed interesting, but if not it was very fun and I learned A LOT! Great night!
That night was pretty badass BigSend. I would love to come by sometimes and like I said you are invited down to san diego for some sarging. I'm going to save your blog and check up on you from time to time.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, September 30, 2007 11:12:00 AM
I have found physical leading to be a huge part of my success. I'm an older guy - 40's - and do mostly internet dating.
At a first meeting, I always show up a bit late and physically take her from where she is - holding hands is best - and leading her to another place in the bar or coffee shop. I even tell her - gently & subtly - exactly which chair to sit in.
Just doing this one thing makes everything else easier.
PS: Careful with affirmations - there is a downside to them - for a short term emotional benefit, you are training your brain to work in a lower functioning way.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, October 01, 2007 6:44:00 PM
In a way, its not really an affirmation. its more like a "thank you"
But even if it was an affirmation, I'm not sure what you mean by "lower function"? When you consider it, how could a positive thought have a downside compared to a negative thought or a neutral thought...
Ultimately I'd like to just *not* think and simply *do* but either way, I am still finding my parking spots!! haha
Posted by
Eric Sender |
Monday, October 01, 2007 8:35:00 PM
major props bro
Posted by
Stefan Hall |
Saturday, October 06, 2007 10:09:00 PM