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FR: Solo Sarging that Ended with Guru’s and New Friends

Wheeeew where do I even begin? I started this night off feeling pretty insecure going out alone, fully peacocked, since 456 and Ulysses are out of town. But I made myself do it anyway and I made up some affirmations for myself:

  • When I go out, I meet amazing single women who are extremely attractive sexually, physically, and intellectually and we are extremely compatible and she feels the same way about me—everything falls into the place perfectly and easily and we end up fucking that night. Thank you God for giving me this. I love you.
    • (Replace "God" with “Universe” or “World” or whatever. To me, God is a very powerful word and “I love you” is a very, very powerful, positive phrase. I use both and it feels amazing to me)
  • Both men and women have an amazing time hanging out with me and love every minute.
  • When I am looking for a parking spot, I always find one at first try.
    • (Then add the “thank you god” part)

Two out of those three came true haha! The last two. I found two parking spots in a row that were open. That NEVER happens in Los Angeles!

Okay, so I parked my car and got into the venue. While walking there, everyone was fucking looking at me, I remember even a bum I walked by who asked for change, I shook my head since I had none and he was like “You just too good looking for blah blah blah” along with everyone staring. Not sure if it was my clothes (I was peacocked with the whole John Travolta vibe going) but later on in the night I didn’t notice as many looks, so I think I was just really happen with all those affirmations. I totally forgot about my insecurities at this point.

I came in the bar, sat down, ordered my Tonic and just chatted up the people next to me, they dug the conversation and that was cool. As time wore on, I was chilling and chatting to random people, did my usual sarge thing. One set was this 3 set of 1 guy and 2 girls who just came to where I was standing and situated themselves openly as if I were the 4th member of their group. Weird, I just opened them with “I feel I am now part of your group” and they just laughed and I vibed with them a bit. I feel like one of them was into me, but she was acting weird, not complying with things I said, but she’d give me hard eye contact. Who knows, if I played my cards that could have been my girl for that night.

Then Dante, a new guru from Rockstar Casanova walked in with his students. I talked to them and hung out a bit. At that point, I wasn’t really sarging anymore, I was just observing. Dante was real chill with me observing him, I made sure to ask as I recall Brad telling me he didn’t like guys observing him and offering no value back. I wrote out a description of Dante for my lair, giving him a vouch. His marketing fucking sucks (he admits it too) and before I actually saw him sarge in field, I didn’t think he was what he was made out to be.

I'll be very honest with you guys, I didn't think Dante was for real after seeing his marketing and seeing all the reviews about him were skimpy and lacked detail. It wasn't until I read Johnny Wolf's summary that I began to spark interst. I did meet Dante very briefly with Grungey10 but I didn't see his game at all.

So I went solo sarging this friday and was doing my thing when in came Dante along with 2 students (both members of this lair, but I'll keep their name on the DL since they didn't tell me I could say it).

I was able to see Dante's game. I am floored guys, he is honestly BradP level. He peacocks perfectly, gives solid advice, demonstrated making out with a chick and sucked on her tities and amoged.

See I can understand why people don't post detailed reviews because everything happens so fucking fast with this guy. There was this girl out side, and though she was like a 6.5 at best, maybe a 7 if you are into her type, Dante just opened her with some random line, I don't even remember, and from that point on he started moving her around, and she'd comply. He'd hold hands with her and do all these different compliance tests and she'd comply more and more, till finally he got her to just stick out her tongue and he sucked on it. Then he started talking about her boobs, touched them (she was cool with it) then he sucked on them. Oh then he made out with her. And Thats it.. He didn't run many stories (at least I don't remember) he was just running compliance test after compliance test till he got up to sucking on her boobs and making out with her.

I really don't know what else to describe. Very, very text book. In fact, almost completely text book.

He also offered me some good advice which I'll write out here. I need to lead girls naturally. He said I can open, attract, hook but I am not leading. I need to physically make her do shit, like move her around, get her to high five, etc etc.

I agree! I remember some of my best sets are when I naturally moved the girl and she just got more and more into me.

He also offered me some peacocking advice, getting a silver chain on the neck and bracelet and a ring. Along with this he shared his mindset he uses in set---i.e., "I am the most alpha male on earth" mindset which he uses to drive his sucking-boobies shit.

Dante is a mPUA just like BradP. Not every set did he make out with the chick, but it was very impressive. He is a different style than Brad. Dante does more compliance Mystery Method-ish stuff.

Brad is a master at fluffing, vibing, and having fun. Dante, from what I've seen is amazing at gaining compliance in girls, leading them very quickly, and being the cool rocker guy.

he is very laid back, but when he is on he'll smile big and vibe with you.

So I feel this guy has a lot of value to offer. Yes his marketing sucks, have to say and I feel that is costing him as I have had doubting conversations about Dante in the past. Now its all gone, he's legit.

So much for solo sarging that night haha, I just followed him around and observered. I asked him if it was cool if I do that and he was fine with it.

Dante actually observed me in set and freely offered his advice to me. I need to move girls around more, have them comply with me more from the get go, not just talk.. talk.. talk.. vibe vibe, I need to physically do stuff with them and get them to comply with me.

Wow that is exactly what I needed to hear. I honestly felt a little bit lazy at the prospect of having to talk and talk with girls, but Dante really drove it in me to run compliance tests right after I hook the girl.

After this, met a new friend named Truth who actually read this blog (sup bro) but never knew I was local. He is into this community and offered me some advice, also broke the news that I do need to lose more weight, something I need to definitely do, though I think I’m good enough ☺for now...

Oh yeah, Also saw Savoy from Mystery Method in the bar, talked to him a bit. He has a very manly, huge presence vibe. I can see how it works for him. But I didn't bug the guy, he ran some 3 set and seemed to be occupied. He seems legit.

Link to Dante

Very, very, VERY happy I went out tonight and said "no" to bullshit insecurities. Probably one of the most productive nights since BradP's camp.

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