Affirmations from David DeAngelo
I found this list somewhere made by David DeAngelo.
They are some awesome affirmations.
To use them, apply the 70x7 exercise
(Man I got over a years worth to get through, but 70x7 is amazing. Currently I am doing one just on sleep.
"I now fall asleep quickly and wake up full energy at any time, in any place, and nothing gets in my way; things can only validate this fact further")
My formula for turning an affirmation into something powerful is to include a time statement, a location statement, and a "no counter evidence" type statement. Also a statement which tells me that there are no exceptions....
I now am XYZ at any time, place, and no counters; this belief is always true
About 50 weeks in a year. This will take 1 year to complete. Imagine who you will be after believing all those propositions? I mean believing them as much as you believe "What goes up must come down" or "red is stop, green is go".
Who will I be afterwards? Who will you be?
Again if you don't believe in this excercise, it will not work. If you do believe it in it... it may work. Do a few of them and see how it helps you.
I think its helping me, but I have only done 5 affirmations (as its only been about 10 weeks). I am finding being insecure is a combination of many limiting beliefs. I am trying to attack each one and I feel its getting better all the time.
Sorry, the post messed up and I republished it.
The comments were deleted, but I have a copy:
I have seen this before on David D's video seminar's he talks about them and how these beliefs have helped him alot....Good stuff keep up with the blog Big SEND
great list
Thanks guys!
Posted by
BigSend |
Monday, March 13, 2006 7:17:00 PM
Read Learned Optimism by a psychologist named Seligman. I read it a long time ago and don't have more details.
The book explains that optimists, emotionally healthy people, have a certain attribution style - good things are personal, permanent and pervasive and bad things are the opposite.
When you play lotto and lose you say - "The numbers didn't come up this time." Not about you, not permanent and restricted to a limited domain.
When you play lotto and win you say - "I always know how to make the right choices." All about you, permanent and generally applicable.
Taking statements and adding permanence (time) and pervasiveness (place) reminded me of that.
You can become more optimistic by deliberately interpreting every good thing that happens to you in a personal, permanent and pervasive way and every setback as impersonal, temporary and limited.
Since 70x7 works for you, you seem to be the type who will be willing and able to generally change your attribution style.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Monday, March 13, 2006 7:33:00 PM
Good Stuff! I started the system this week, because it really looks like it's working out for you man. One question, do you write what your thinking at that moment after each line you write or do you write it 70 times and for each 70 you go down the list reading what you wrote and then write?
Posted by
Style |
Monday, March 13, 2006 10:49:00 PM
What I do is I writout the affirmation like this
45. I am cool!
1. thoughts thoughts etc etc
46. I am cool!
1. thoughts thoughts etc etc
Hope that helps. Let me know how it works out for you! What you may find is the affirmation you are currently using doesn't umbrella everything, but you may notice some changes as you are doing it, like by day 3 or so. Keep with it though, and save the next affirmation for the next 2 weeks.
good luck
Posted by
BigSend |
Monday, March 13, 2006 11:45:00 PM
that's really funny and it probably does mean something.
Do you have trouble sleeping and waking up too? let me know how this affirmation helps you if you actually go through the 7 days
Posted by
BigSend |
Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:26:00 PM
question, how long does it take you to get through the 70x7 method? i've tried it the other day and my hand was already hurting around 20 affirmations.
i've been writing my affirmations using this.
I now am XYZ at any time, place, and no counters; this belief is always true
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:00:00 PM
Hey anonymous,
Thats a good question... since I lucked out and got a laptop (iBook 12".. less than $1k with an iPod free... :))
I just type it out.
However, even typing it my hands would get tired and I would write very sloppy with many errors. I came to the conclusion it doesn' tmatter if you write it perfect, it only mattesr that you actually do write with intent. That is, even if it is SUPER sloppy and barely legible, as you write it, you are working the part of your brain which does the writing and you are actually physically "doing" the affirmation.
With that said, I allow myself AT LEAST 1 hour... some days it can take up to 1:30.. or so.
No one is going to spell check it out handwrite check it. just make sure your brain is mouthing the words as you write...
thats what I do at least.
I know the author says he does it by hand, but I do it on the laptop and I feel like it is successful.
Hope this helps
Posted by
BigSend |
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:57:00 AM