5 Features of reality - 1. Reflexivity
- incorrigible proposition
- A belief almost hard-wired into us
- secondary elaboration belief
- an excuse for why something didn’t work
- 2. Coherence
- For the person who believes in the reality, it will somehow be “coherent” to him.
- Every belief system is coherent to the person
- 3. Produced through interaction
- beliefs are produced through interaction.
- Reality is dependent on interaction
- Reality is produced in talk
- People talk about things and we make meanings out of them
- Recall article about the mental patient who is categorized as “lazy” and “suicidal/depressed” and “sociopath”
- The observed behavior of the patient supported each separate belief given to him at any time
- When a huge change occurred, like the supposed suicide attempt
- Everyone’s belief of him changed
- every old behavior of him got switched to explain his “suicidal/depressive” behavior.
- 4. Fragility
- When the rules are broken, we adapt
- Any reality can be changed when the assumption are under-mind.
- The potential to fall apart
- 5. Permeability
- Where you are in your life, you may spend all your time in a certain few places
- You spend all your time in the same few places
- Interaction and such are all about the same
- The combination of all this can either make a reality un-permeable or permeable.
- Living with the same people for awhile can change a reality.
- These conditions will cause a reality (which is fragile anyway) to change
Every reality is equally capable in falling apart
Also equally capable of disillusion