Random Brainstorm
(EDIT: Oh shat, I didn't realize it, but all this stuff has be thought of already and is called Eternal Recurrence. Check it out here http://simurl.com/eternal_recurrence)
Is everything going to repeat itself? All life, all matter will, at some point, rearrange itself exactly as it did in the beginning and start all over?
This isn't exactly an attraction routine (yet :)), but this is this crazy idea I have been thinking about. In Math we are taught every "function" (or state, or anything really) can be represented as some combination and permutation of Sines. In Quantum Mechanics, I learned all particles exhibit wave (sinusoidal) behavior and all "solid" matter can be represented with a wave length (look up de Broglie).
If this means what I think it does, everything is a 3-D wave. Since in inherent property of all waves is periodicy (i.e., the wave will "repeat" itself over and over as time progresses from here to eternity).
This means that everything may just end up repeating itself; this isn't "parallel universe" theory or anything in depth like that. This is just inferences from the law of waves.
If this is true, I have already written this infinite times before now, and will write it infinite times after now.
The period (or time it takes to repeat) could be a HUGE amount of time, like a google-plex ^ google-plex and more... but infinity is a larger number still. If humans lose concept of time after death, then I conclude that once we die, we will reawaken... again... at a time when all matter "randomly" rearranged itself EXACTLY as it did right at your birth.
This also means that the exact life we lead can be different every time because things could change after your birth.
What about Free-choice? If there is free choice, does free choice have a sine wave representation? (Will there be a time where everything rearranges it self and everyone randomly and freely chooses the "same" things again)
Fuck, that is another topic. Is there free choice, or only the feeling that there is free choice? If all we have a concept of is blue jeans and black jeans and no jeans, then those are our only options. Can we conceive of something we never knew? Thats like telling a computer to randomly spit out the meaning of life (did I hear someone scream "42?")
Anyway, if everyone is born with a different brain, different nose, different tongue, skin, ears, eyes... that means everyone will think, smell, taste, touch, hear, and see differently --- everyone will perceive life differently. And if our perception of life defines our reality in life, then perhaps this is a hard argument against "free choice"
Ahhh... back to studying for finals
pretty cool post enjoyed reading, keep up the good work Big send
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:17:00 AM
Don't remember exactly how I got to this blog. There was an article a while ago about something similar in Scientific American...how exact replicas of ourselves, surroundings etc, could exist right now, but outside of our light cone, ie, no chance of communication w/ us.
Also, aside from the mathematical aspects of what you wrote, Nietzsche wrote essentially the same thing that you did in his theory of "eternal recurrence" (or something like that). Basically the idea is that because there is only so much "stuff" out there that eventually, being finite, it has to cycle back in an exact copy of any given previous moment.
Anyway, I'm sure there are ways to work this sort of stuff into a routine. I've been thinking about these sorts of topics lately, and how to create a routine out of them w/o them being dorky/technical/boring. The chick-crack angle is could all this happen again? Destiny? Would it be destiny if we kept meeting like this. Also, I like the idea of alternate time lines, and decisions, but still thinking about routines. Also past lives, things like that.
ok, I'm babbling. Interesting post.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, March 26, 2006 8:58:00 PM
Hi BigSend :-) I found you from your comment on Cyberpols on my 'hair' post.
This is a very interesting post. As a spectroscopist, I too have studied quantum theories and sine waves. There is such a beautiful order in the physical universe that is described by these things and through mathematics. I like the way you've linked the human element. Very interesting.
Good luck on your finals.
Posted by
Kyahgirl |
Monday, March 27, 2006 10:31:00 AM