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How to Touch Your Girlfriend -- Amazing Advice from Stephane

If you read my last blog post, I broke it off with Claire and I do not want to make the same mistakes again. I am reading more into ideagasms and Stephane---I met the guy and wow, he fucking lives the life of amazing relationships. The polarity, the attraction, the LOVE between Steph and Ghita blew me away. Shit guys.

That is what I want! So I model the best, I am going over Steph's Girlfriend Training Program. Ideagasms is transcribing it and I got a hold of some excerpts which they allowed me to post. This one is fucking spectacular on how Steph touches his girlfriend. It really opened my eyes the first time I heard it and after just re-reading it, I realized how much more honest this is. I remember doing this to Claire, but I never stated what I was doing. Not sure if it was a mistake but she loved it when I touched her when I did.

From the GTP:
Q: Hey Steph,

I have a rather unique situation and question. I will try my best to describe what is going on in my head so please bear with me. I seem to have this touching compulsion where I always want to give my girlfriend physical affection to let her know that she is loved and to feel loved in return. I know it probably doesn't sound like a problem, but I can feel my girlfriend is starting to feel crowded and annoyed by this. You know how smokers will always grab a cigarette when they're in a social situation and feeling uncomfortable? Well that's exactly what this is like and any advice or wisdom would be greatly appreciated. As always, keep up the incredible work.

Thank you,


A: Most guys touch their girlfriends for the wrong reason. They touched her girlfriends because they want to make them feel loved. They want her to feel loved so they touch her lovingly. And while there's nothing really wrong with that, I'm going to suggest again to you touch your girlfriends for entirely different and downright selfish reasons. Let me explain this.

You see, I have an incredibly beautiful Siamese cat. Most people think their pets are beautiful, but I'm telling you my cat is fucking awesome. Most people fall in love with him immediately. They love to pet him, to hold him, to scratch his little chin, and they love to make him feel great, but I don't feel the same way. When I pet my cat, the primary reason I'm doing it is not to make him feel good. The reason I pet my cat is simple. I pet my cat because it feels good to my hand.

This is such a powerful principle, especially in relationships.

Do you want your girlfriends to respect you twice as much as they already do? Stop trying to make them feel good all the time. Stop trying to please them. Stop trying to make them feel loved, secure, protected. Be selfish.

When I cuddle up to a girl, it's because I'm using her for body heat. I'm blatantly using her to calm my emotions, to feel good. When I lick her pussy, the only reason I'm licking that pussy is because I love to eat pussy. If she has an orgasm, cool, but that's not the reason I'm down there to begin with.

I enjoy a woman's body and immensely. All those curves and the soft skin, it just feels really good to my hand. When I hold my girlfriend’s hand in public, it is simply because I enjoy feeling her hand in my hand. I enjoy feeling her close to me. I enjoy leading a beautiful woman around town. It makes me feel good.

Again, I'm a very selfish man. It took me a long time to learn this lesson, to actually pet my cat simply because it feels good to my hand.

Like you, I never wanted to think of myself as a selfish guy, you know? I thought there was something wrong with being selfish. Then I realized that the most honest thing you could do is to fully embrace your own selfishness, to put yourself first.

The main problem guys have with women is they're putting her on a pedestal. They're putting her first, but that is a lie. When you put others first, you're lying to yourself and you’re lying to them, and on some level they know it. They can feel it. There's something off about it and it feels icky because it's not genuine. It's just needy and manipulative.

Placing others before you is manipulative. It's manipulative because deep down, you have an agenda. You want something from them in return. You want their approval, their love, as a trade-off for putting their needs ahead of your own. So be genuine instead and be selfish.

I even tell my girlfriends about this. I tell them that, you know, whenever I touch you, it simply because I'm using you. I'm taking from you, for my own selfish pleasure, and ironically, this kind of taking is one of the most giving things I can do because it's real.

Try it with your girlfriends. Tell them this and watch how turned on actually get from it. It's because genuine honesty and integrity makes them trust you. They can feel your strength. They feel that you're a real man. That's what a real man is.

That's what the essence of bad boy is made of. This is what the jerks do that get women turned on and attracted to them. They're selfish bastards. So, the secret is out. Now you all know how to be the bad boy that women love without actually being an abusive jackass.

You can actually be totally selfish and place your own needs ahead of hers and as long as you're being considerate of her feelings and not actually hurting her, you will have all of the bad boy qualities and still be a genuinely nice, generous, warm, caring, and sensitive man.

Thanks for your question

Stephane Hemon,
Excerpts From The Girlfriend Training Program
ideaGasms(R) 2007. All Rights Reserved.

I added the bolds whenever I had a personal "wow" moment.

Hope you guys liked this

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