Where I stand with HB-Ai.
At this point its way beyond any solid game (at least I don't know what to do that would be solid) So now I am just going to experiment.
After her sending me the email and text message, she ends up calling me around 8pm. Unfortuently, I'm in the car with my mom driving me home. (Hehe yes, my mommy drove me)
She calls and since my mom is there, I don't feel 100% confortable vibing. (Thats another story, I just don't feel comfortable talking about girls with my parents)
Anyway, I don't vibe, I just answer her questions and leave it at that. The conversation is very hollow. So, I send her a text message right after saying:"My mom is in the car with me, makes it awkard to flirt haha yeah my mommy drives me hehe ill call you later"
(In retrospect, I shouldn't have said the "haha" and "hehe" as much. That sounds dull. Whatever, lesson learned)
So my mom drives me. I Know thats a big DLV, but as David D says "Feature your insecurities till they are fixed". I am experimenting with that!
Then she replies:
Ouch! so I reply back (and in retrospect I should NOT have replied back.)
"Flirting? Take care.""Yeah flirting with you is a bad idea"
I try calling her later. She doesn't pick up (voice mail message says she is already on the phone.) So I send her another text message:
"Hey i was hoping you still wanted to talk but whatever. see ya monday then"
Not good. I sent that out of emotion. I need to work on my emotions and get more in control of them. Right now, I can look back see my mistakes very clearly, but at the time I wasn't thinking 100% clearly..
So I learned a lot. The truth is, I need to be more patient. However now that I am experimenting with her, I am going to finally end it (or begin it) on Monday.
I am going to tell her straight up that I like her, and we need to go out some time. If she says "no", I am gone. The truth shall set me free. If she says Yes, I'm going to kiss her. Thats that. No more fucking retarded games.
No matter what, I feel a lot better about this. Making those key bad mistakes (the text messages) kind of disqualifies me and I won't feel as bad if she rejects me. Though it will be a shame because this is one of my first times in comfort out of solid game. (semi solid :)).
Now I need to get sarging more. I haven't been sarging the campus as much these days. I think it has to do with my one-itus. Maybe I should turn my back on her and that will liberate me.
HB-Ai is like my exact type of girl. Persian, brown skin, brown eyes, beutiful hair, fun harsh attitude, very confident... shes the type of girl I'd hope to get later on. To me, she is my 9/10. But objectively speaking shes about an 8-8.5 depending on what shes wearing.
dude, 2 things
1. objectively us should never judge a girl on looks alone, the really hot ones don't try as hard in bed anyways, and there are certain things that make the slightly-less than britney look-a-likes better than the real britney
2. don't ever think anybody is exactly your type until they've proven it. you yourself said she was your one-itis, which means u think she is the one for you, rarely is that actually true and u should acknowledge that, oddly enough it increases your chances of her turning out to be the one, instead of being just another of the ones that leave you.
Posted by Rich Tseng | Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:11:00 AM