Some Words on Meditation
Inspired by a recent meditation, just 5 minutes ago, I decided to get the laptop and write. Daily I have been meditating and seeking to feel deep within my life force. That is what meditation means (to me), feeling my life force. Feeling my energy. Feeling my awe. Feeling my inspiration. Feeling my heart opening. Feeling my gut/solar plexus warming and simmering. Feeling my brain be spaced out---almost like on a drug but its all meditation. Also, feeling my emotions flow through my body freely. Feeling my sexual energy flow freely through my body. Labels: Ideas, Spirituality
I do all this---i.e., I mediate all this as often as I can remember. I do it while sitting, standing, driving, eating, drinking, socializing, smoking, talking, thinking, and reading. Some of the things I have noticed for myself is that certain body positions make it easier to mediate and feel my life energy. When I turn my wrists outward, so they face in the same direction as my nose, my heart opens up. I feel myself become more vulnerable, and being vulnerable is a symptom of an open heart. Opening one's heart is an act of trust, an act of faith and it has us feel we are cradled in the world's womb and protected by the worlds fortress---it is a feeling that we are loved and everything is bliss.
Another bodily position I noticed is slightly keeping my chest out and leaning back. There is a certain angle to it. A chest that is too far out seems awkward and fake and every observant person will notice it. Having one's chest too caved in looks depressed and meek. There is a special angle, a special position every person should find in which they feel their solar plexus---i.e., gut---warm up and feel power. Once you lean back and/or bring your chest out to the right position, you should more easily feel power in your solar plexus. To me, it is a warm, power feeling. I say "warm" in the sense that something powerful is brewing underneath and "cold" would be the opposite of how it feels.
The last position I found was keeping your head up---or back. Since I am 6'3" I have always kept my head down perhaps to fit in or hear shorter people talk daily. I found that when I keep my head up at just the right angle (to me, it feels like hold my head back because it is so far from my normal head position) I feel a rush of life-force energy move up my spine and neck. I can't quite explain what that feeling is in words anyone can understand, but suffice to say it seems to amplify all life-force energy that is already going through my body.
Ironically, putting my body in those exact positions not only simplifies my meditation, but it also puts my body in my best body language, as the PUA community would say it. It has me feel love, power, and the energy of life much easier, its almost like cheating on an exam.
As I stated above, meditation to me is about feeling the life-force energy. Another name for this is God. One can refer to God as the Great One. The Big Mother. The Giver of All. God is such a convoluted term in society since most people imagine God as an invisible man in the sky who watches your every thought and action and judges you quite harshly on everything that does "fit" the mold---i.e., your pope's interpretations of the Bible. But to me, God is simply the life-force which is in every one and every thing.
I find it is easiest to feel the life-energy---i.e., to feel God---in humans who are most conscious and spiritually evolved. However, a sensitive and aware person can find God in anything and nothing. Take Van Gogh's Chair:This is a simple chair. But the depth of this image, the peace in this image. I can see God very easily in it.
Stephane from Ideagasms, while I was hanging out with him, recommended a book "Wild Nights" by David Dieda. I am 3/4 of the way finished with it, but it is further opening my awareness to finding God, the life-force, the blissful awe in every single person I meet: the waiter who takes my order, the women holding another man's hand, that same man holding her hand, my parents, my friends, the bum on the street. This doesn't imply I must give money to the bum; this means as I mediate, I acknowledge his being, his karma, his purpose to me. Perhaps he is warning me of something, perhaps he is showing me one does not need material possessions. I simply feel the answer to this impulse and then, if I feel compelled, I offer him money.
I find it easiest to mediate and feel life energy when I am still, non distracted, openly loved by the environment immediately around me, and in the bodily position described above. When I am not in those positions, I find it harder and even forget to mediate. It is possible to mediate though, but it takes effort. My ego/mind is continually sending me signals that I find a bit hard to ignore.
Again, from my last post What is meditation Anyway, I acknowledge that the mind is simply a tool to weigh data and conducts pattern recognition. The reason most people (including myself) identify with my mind tool is because I am trained to by society and we as humans evolved to continually depend on our mind tool to survive as weak creatures in extremely hostile terrain 100,000 years ago. I have heard of less sophisticated tribes who do not identify with their mind, are simply creatures of the moment. I believe I read about those societies in a sociology class I took sophomore year in college.
Another practice that has helped me mediate is using chakra crystals. These are special rocks which vibrate according to your bodies energy. Now, for the skeptics, crystals are very real when it comes to energy. Take any clock---a clock is a quartz crystal exposed to an electric potential. In response to electricity, the crystal oscillate at a frequency proportional to that of a pure second. (Wikipedia article here). Chakra crystals are similar rocks whose energy is stimulated by your bodies natural energy output. (Article on how the human body is an electrical antenna here). The end result, for me, is when I place the right chakra crystal on each energy center---which I usually identify as a pressure point---I feel massive flux of life force traverse through my body, up and down, and I honestly cannot help but meditate. I am almost forced into my energy centers and thus forced out of my mind/ego awareness. Timeless is the feeling.
Lastly: tobacco and alcohol. It was actually Sie and Stephane from Ideagasms who opened my eyes to this. I had always thought of alcohol as a social lubricant, something that helped get a bit more emotional and less logical. At high doses, alcohol made me feel crazy, do weird things and be more in the moment. There were times alcohol made me feel dark, depressed and in my head. Tobacco---I smoke cigars occasionally as a way to pretend I am prestigious. I gave up cigarettes when I was 18 years old after they stopped giving me pleasurable head rushes and started to just give me massive head aches. However, Sie and Stephane exposed me to a new idea of tobacco and alcohol (and also David Dieda in his book "Wild Nights").
For alcohol, the idea is to allow alcohol to chemically regress your ego/mind tool. This simply makes it easier to be in your emotional energy body. That is all. Of course, an excess of alcohol can completely take you out of your mind and make you a wreck with no self control. This can be bad if we are doing it for the wrong reasons---that is, if we use alcohol as an escape and not a deliverance. As for tobacco, Sie showed me that smoking 100%, additive free tobacco and ripping off the filter is most natural way to smoke. Now what I noticed after doing it is that my life force energy is amplified, especially the energy in my heart and throat (though I can't tell if the feeling in my throat is just from the smoke or if it is also the throat energy. The throat is a chakra-energy center after all). Regardless, smoking tobacco and being conscious of every puff---that is, being each puff. Feeling it going down into your lungs and coming up and noticing the subtle effects it has on your body. That alone is a meditation to me. After smoking, the effects of the meditation keep going for quite some time. It seems to last as long as I want till I return back into my ego mind. I start writing this essay around 1:45AM. Right now it is 2:45AM and I feel the exact same state. However, a few days ago I smoked with my friend and the moment we came inside and began talking the feeling went away. As an update, as I re-read this post and thus went into my ego/mind the meditative effects have decreased a lot. Its still there and awesome, but the amplification is less.
As always: smoking and drinking are toxic. One must use them wisely and at the right levels. Smoking a few cigarettes a day can be okay, but in excess has has the consequence of numerous diseases. Same with alcohol. I notice my ego, my mind, can crave alcohol and tobacco easily but that is just my mind trying to form a habit and fit in to a mold. I would never smoke tobacco for meditation unless I can set aside an entire evening for it, not some 15 minute break though I will still smoke it occasionally in very social situations or at a cigar lounge. As for alcohol, the exact same---only drink for an evening of meditation. However, I will still drink socially with friends when the time is right.
So these are my "some" of words for meditation. I am simply a seeker of truth and the above are some things I noticed along the way. Find your own truth! :-)
Thank you Sie and Stephane for helping me find this gem on my journey :hug
Thank you... Great stuff
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, December 20, 2007 11:48:00 AM
Nice stuff,
I've been on and off into meditating for six or seven years.. definately feel better when i'm "on the path."
The Deida book seems interesting.. too many books.. too little time lol.
On the more scrictly spiritual front I've been a fan of Wayne Dyer, Marriane Williamson, Deepach Chopra... the course in miracles..
Posted by
Anonymous |
Friday, December 21, 2007 5:25:00 PM
"Sie showed me that smoking 100%, additive free tobacco and ripping off the filter is most natural way to smoke."
100% additive free tobacco? Where do you buy that and whats it called?
Posted by
PsiRista |
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 12:27:00 PM
Try these, The Maroon pack
Posted by
Eric Sender |
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 8:54:00 PM