My First BootCamp
Well I did it, I took a boot camp.
For the past few months I did not approach as much, even though I was an approach machine earlier in the year. Sarging got harder and harder since I didn't have a car and I am not 21 yet---that is my one and only excuse. Transportation and age.
So lately I slumped back into being a bit socially retarded again, but that all changed tonight.
Grungey10, a Master Pick Up Artist started up his own company called Captivate to Connect which specializes in Day Game. It starts off with a 2-3 hour seminar on the basics of a pick up (according to his model) and then a specialization on Opening. The particular bootcamp I took with Grungey focused on the first few stages of the pick up: opening mixed sets, moving sets, sitting sets, and then going to a story and establishing kino.
I never really established kino before because I had no concept. I thought it was just touching the arm or whatever. Now, all I did was this basically:
"Hey, real quick! What is a good place to eat around here?"
"Blah blah "
"Nice, you are my new tour guide" (knuckle to knuckle hit)
So I now understand the simplicity of kino. Just that one simple touch sparked a connection, its so weird. It turned me into a touchy-feely guy and it felt like the sarge was going in a new direction.
Then there is the concept of story telling. I never felt too confident about story telling but gungy had some advice, like how to construct stories. Stories are a huge part of a solid PUA's game---I remember Mystery saying that the great skill of a pick up artist is his story telling ability. When I met Herbal, he had that. When I met Sinn, he seemed to have it. When I saw Style give his presentations, he had it too. It was under my nose all this time.
Stories don't have to be long, they are seriously like 1 minute long, they just engage the audience. We used a story about ordering sushi and how the waiter was very creepy and had a crush on my friends Girl Friend. The waiter offered her free desert but the shape of the ice cream was two balls and a cucumber down the middle. Hah it was told very funnily and it engaged and did the right things.
Basically, you tell the story which is engaging, funny, provocative---then the girls see your alpha Body Language, tonality, demeanor and thats it!
The story construction is really simple. Convey things one chunk at a time. That story worked so well, whenever a conversation kind of died down, I told that story and BOOM conversation back up.
One set was with a girl in Subway. I open her by saying "Hey want to cut us?.... Just kidding" (back turn).. but she turned out to be LSE (low self esteem) and didn't say anything back. But then, I notice she is standing eerily close to me as we order, like our feet even touched. I was not sure what it meant because I thought she didn't like me. But then Grungey whispers to me "LSE girls need comfort and don't understand C/F, just go into comfort." So I ask Grungey, "But what do I say", and hes like "Just ask what shes getting"
So I say "So what are you getting"
And shes like "Oh.. just Turkey"
And I'm like "Nice Turkey is the best" Knuckle-to-knuckle hit
And I'm in right away. That very short knuckle knuckle hit sparked a connection. The sarge couldn't die down, it was weird. It was a social spark.
We just start talking about how cool the toaster oven is. I just talk about anything really but I try to be in comfort. No real cocky funny, just rapport.... and it fucking worked. She completely opened up to me and we vibed great. When the conversation died down, I did the LA-Thug story and she laughed and started telling me how bums were acting weird like that too. She started getting emotional (as in, not neutral/logical) and told me how some bum was calling her a bitch because she didn't give him money and she was complaining about it. So she felt comfortable enough to get into an emotional conversation with a COMPLETE stranger (me!)
Since she worked, I couldn't get her to sit down with us, so Grungey said out loud, "Party" which reminded me to do the party-close. Say to the girl "Hey we didn't have enough time to connect, but since we have to part let me get your number and invite you to a party next weekend.
Perhaps I did something wrong, or she was too close to her boy friend and LSE.. but she told me she had a boy friend and worked too much. I'm not sure exactly, but she had to get back to work.
I let that one go. Perhaps when I get more experience, I'll better know how to handle those situations.
Grungey emphasized the concept that we are just socializing and bringing life to people's boring lives. That is all we are doing. Seduction will happen though. In that sense, I would say Grungey teaches a more specialized form of Mystery Method geared towards day game and day situations. I mean, you can find MM in almost any method its so general, but I like Grungey's ideas.
Grungey also did some examples for me, though he didn't go past Attraction phase, as this was all he was teaching us today. I opened a set that didn't go that well. Later, Grungey opened that same set with Jealous GF and he got in very well. When Grungey left, I saw one of the girls take out a mirror and check her teeth (haha).
Another set I opened was a 3 set of two girls from Europe and 1 from New Hampshire. I did the "Where is a good place to eat" and then I went into the story and vibed off the story. The girls were laughing like crazy, but I ran out of material. So I placed my hands behind my head, like I was learning back, and that qued Grungey to come in to the set. You see, I ran out of material so I wanted to see what Grungey would do. He ran more attraction routines and really spiked the buying temperature.
Another set I opened was a single set, a girl from Brazil. At this point I felt very natural with the opener. I ran the same opener then story and the girl laughed and really talked back. When I ran out of things to say, Grungey came in and took over the set to show me spins. He asked the girl if she could cook, then if she could dance. When she was answering the corny questions, Grungey asked for her hand then spun her around. It was almost a forced spin, like he guided her through it... She couldn't stop laughing.
Funny thing was, she said to Grungey, your friend (me) is very funny. Hmm... attraction bleeds over.
Also Grungey taught direct, but I didn't do any direct today. The other guy in the bootcamp did, and in retrospect, I should have tried some direct but I didn't feel up to it. Damn, I like indirect too much.
The other guy's name is "Holiday" and apparently he was sick today. Either way, he opened about 3-5 direct sets, which was amazing. I never seen direct done so easily, the guy just did them! The first few didn't seem to work out, but the last one got him into a 20-30 minute set and the girls number. I saw the girl put her head in her hands after he approached.... man what a mind-fuck.
No girl I have ever talked to said that if a man came up to them and said "I noticed you from afar... and had to talk to you... something about you, some energy captivated me... I'm BigSend... etc"
But when you actually do that... shiit... its really insane.. I have done direct before, a few times... its really quite mind bending sometimes... the girls can melt. One girl got very awkward and walked away after she said "Thank You" but the others melted... but I was too nervous to even stay in set back then. I haven't done direct since.
Anyway, back to bootcamp:
What was also great was that I started out pretty nervous and a bit shaky, but once I got the ball rolling with a few warm up sets, the doors flew open and I didn't feel nervous at all..... but I did get nervous once I ran out of material. When I ran out of material, I felt a nervous wave and then ejected. I need to work on that.
Grungey helped show me the "path" and how to stay on the path. For the past few months I have been slower in my progress and I was going a bit astray in my interactions... however I feel this one day got me back exactly on the train. I just need to keep improving, keep opening. and STAYING MORE POSITIVE.
I do all these affirmations, and they do work, but I notice this more and more and more. Social skills are just like any muscle... when they are weak, you need to strengthen them. When they are strong, they are awesome. I think the affirmations helped me jump back to my old level again today. I started off practicing the basic opener all nervous, but then all of a sudden everything came out smooth again. It was weird. It was like a hidden part of me waiting to come out.
I need to keep this social part of my out and keep feeding it and not let it hibernate again.
For you guys looking for day game experience: meeting women in malls, streets, shops, etc... I highly recommend Grungey. He has his shit together. He has a method which works and makes sense. He knows what to teach to make things work, what else could I ask for.
I have only taken the first day of the bootcamp, and thats all I am taking for now. Apparently he has days for each aspect of the pick up. He doesn't teach it all at once. He teaches Step 1, then takes you out in field. .Then next time he teaches Step 2, then takes you out in field and demonstrates it.
His web page is below. After taking a bootcamp, I realize that there is something very positive about these things. It really points you in the right direction and gives you a great kick start. You learn exactly what you need to do, its like having a coach to learn a sport.
Grungey is fairly low priced now compared to most of the other Dating coaches, so I highly highly recommend trying him now. I found this experience to be well worth it, and years from now, I will think of it as money very well spent.
Click Here for his site
"Grungey emphasized the concept that we are just socializing and bringing life to people's boring lives." - I like this concept. Great frame to have during sarging.
You have written that you are running out of material. But man, do you need any special material if you talk to your friends? And are you having good time with them? I'm sure you do if you are in a good mood. What I like to do is just share some experiences from the past. Also you have to mke her do some job. You can't be her clown who had 100 stories to tell... You say one story, than it's her time. ("So, girl. Tell me something cool...(put some pressure on her) Do you know any fun stories? Maybe something about you silly childhood or your bad uncle... (typical BS to make fun and her do the talk)")
What I'm trying to say is that it's impossible to run out of material. You can talk about anything. Even about that it's so funny that usually you have so much to say, but now you can't nothing interesting, lol
Posted by
Anonymous |
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:49:00 AM
Hey anonymous :)
I have been thinking about this concept a lot, and I realized... that when I am socializing with friends, there can be lots of silences that are comfortable. Then I notice with some friends we tend to talk about nearly the same type of things all the time.
One of my friends is a musician and we talk about music a lot. But we already know eachother's taste in music so we kind of always have something related to that to talk about.
Other friends seem to be like the advice friends who always have a comment about what I have to say in a way to help me. That can be cool.
I actually only have a handfull of friends who I can talk about ANYTHING with and they understand what I mean. I'd call them my "best" friends.
So, when I meet someone new, I think you are right, talking to them like a best friend could be an amazing frame, however I think having great stories (or "material") to spark the connection makes so much more sense than being a total stranger and just talking.
I recall a good friend I met, Ulysses (PUA guy), we started our friendship after I talked about 20 minutes about what I felt about "Mastering your Hidden Self" and the concepts of the levels of conciousness. After I talked about that, he said his part and now we are great friends who can talk about nearly anything.
So this is just my observation. Turning someone into a "best" friend is an interesting and kind of... somehow... evil/manipulative idea, but I think it could be an amazing talent to create connections with almost anyone. Imagine turning any one into a social connection.
So ultimately yea, this is the ultimate goal, however I think "material" and stories geared towards DHVing (A1/A2/A3) is a great, efficent way to accelerate the process.
Posted by
BigSend |
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 10:48:00 AM
Natural game is an ultimate goal for me. In my PU hierarchy vibe is before structure and being interesting is before trying to impress. Knowing how to teel a good story is a great tool but you still need spontanity and creativity...
If you want to get to know more about natural game check posts of RazorJack, MoonWalker (archives, FR's are great to see how it actualy works). I have seen also posts of Dimitri, WoodHeaven, The One and few others contributing to this type of game.
Now some links...
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sunday, April 30, 2006 9:01:00 AM
Spirit Fingers' blog is awesome for Natural Game info. It's actually just a great blog in general but definitely is on the Natural Game side.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 9:04:00 PM