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Spent Last Friday with Dante "Rock Star Casanova"

I'm a bit lagging on posts, but I just had two midterms and a third one coming up. I haven't been able to go out too much lately but this is a sacrifice I am making. Becoming a solid engineer such that I can make or join a start up and be hugely successful is a grand goal of mine. Women are second. To digress a bit, I think it is very important not to see girls as a goal, but instead to see them as a reward. Going out on a Friday night and "sarging" is more like developing social skills. I honestly believe that inner game is what attracts a woman on all her levels---social calibration and "game" just help you communicate that more effectively. Don't get me wrong, if a person has no calibration (i.e., not socially savy) but has great inner game, he may not get laid. Who knows. Also, if a person has amazing "Game" he could probably trick a girl long enough to fuck him with his game, but inner game is what those fragile creatures we call females need, imho.

Any how, school has taken over but I was able to go out last Friday night and meet up with Dante Valentine who is the main guy over at RockStar Casanova. He is offering me a position to help administer his web forums which I'd be more than happy to help him out. That shouldn't take too much time from school, I could do it in my spare time. But I really like this guy, he believes in me (or says he does haha). Either case, we hung out Friday and met up at Saddle Ranch (same place Style talks about in "The Game") and saw a few boot camps there. Asian Playboy (APB) along with my friend 456 who is an intern there were holding a work shop.

Ohh I got to add, I did the "Parking" gratitude affirmation and found a parking spot RIGHT on Sunset Blvd & La Cieniga! Just put like $1.25 in the meter! And by sheer coincidence, 456 and APB were walking up the road as I pulled in and we crossed paths. They just got out of some $15 zone :) Not to brag or put them down but, the Lord and I are mighty close friends. Either way, this is the first time I met APB. Interesting fella---I asked him "Hey are you APB" and it seemed like he wanted to say something really cocky funny, paused a sec, then just said "Yeah. Thats me" and we talked about parking spots for a minute. hah, that's about it so far.

So back to the night, I head over to Saddle Ranch and just chill a bit, talk to random people and socialize. I talk to a big group of girls and open them with some random situational "Hey, did you guys know there was a New York Times bestseller about this place?" and we talked about that, however the girls weren't too much into me after about 2-3 minutes. Next! I saw Johnny Wolf, another APB instructor and head of the SoCalLair. So I was just schmoozing. One article I read somewhere (I think Dante said it) was that when sarging, we should always be socializing. Even if its just with guys or friends or ugly girls or whatever, we should always be talking, laughing, in rapport, doing something. But standing around with our mouths shut is not going to help. If you think about it, some day we are going to break out of that shyness shell, why not now?

Soon Dante arrived. We chilled a bit, he has a natural coolness to him---I posted about it before. But he was tired, said he fucked 3 times that day and wassarging every day that week. So he actually didn't open any sets. We talked a bit about business, discussing the forums and later the possibility that I could instruct for him when I get better at pick up. That would be really good, but I have to pass a few more thresholds before I'd feel right teaching someone.

Dante also observed my game, saw me get into a few sets and observed how I act in them. He made some great observations for me which I want to journal now:
  1. I should only move my hands to emphasize a point. Don't move them in general
    • Moving hands and arms around is a sign of nervousness
    • Unless you are moving them around to help describe a situation.
      • Eg. "I was swimming for my life! "
  2. Voice Tone
    • When I am in attraction phase, I need to almost sing when I talk to the girl
    • That is, not literally sing, but have a lot of voice fluctuation
      • I.e., NO monotone
        • I don't think I'm that much of a monotone, but definitely could use some work.
  3. Eye Contact
    • I need to work on how I keep my eye contact with a girl
    • I forgot exactly what Dante said, but it reminded me a lot of what Leil Lowndes talks about in "How to Talk to Anyone"
      • She has a chapter on how to keep eye contact
      • Either case, this is something I need to work on.
  4. Vary my Faccial Expressions
    • This is kind of advanced and requires a lot of calibration
    • But when in attraction phase, when talking about something sad, have a happy face
    • When talking about something happy, have a bit of a frown
      • I believe the idea here is to make the girl become curious and raise her interest level

I definitely need to think about all those, especially #4. I discussed #4 with a friend and he disagreed thinking it was weird. But honestly, I think there is something to it. Its hard to put my finger on it, but I will keep it floating around. The truth is, the advice above is not general. It was given to me specifically to address some sicking points. So you guys may not agree or see how this is important because you don't have these SP's..

Dante gave me the advice free, but I can see myself working with him soon. Maybe paying for a smaller camp as my game gets better. We shall see.

One last thing I want to add: after bar hopping in that Sunset/La Cieniga area, we decided to move about 3 miles west to some of the other clubs. It was about 12:00 AM at this time, we were driving, saw the venue and FOUND ANOTHER PARKING SPOT almost right after I did the gratitude affirmation! Just wanted to say that. No pay parking. I was given two parking spots on Sunset Blvd on a Friday night on the same night. Wow.

I'm a believer. Seeing ISSSS believing.

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